Monday, April 23, 2012

Group 3 Blog Post

I found this picture to be very interesting. The picture of the pandas was meant to target racism and help put an end to it. With all the racist acts taking place recently, I thought discussing a photo reminding us of how stupid racism is would be good. There is no room for it in society. The comments even though I did not like them, raise another issue. Pandas are currently an endangered species and are moving towards becoming extinct. I too find pandas to be very interesting and more needs to be done to ensure they do not become extinct.
In the picture, two pandas are laying lazily on the branches. The comments are a response to the picture of the two pandas. And the words at the bottom of the first picture: "Dude, racism is stupid. I'm White, Black, and Asian". It indicates that no matter what your skin color is, you are a human being like people with other colors. We have no differences; we share many traits and share the earth together. Racism is stupid. To the comments, I don't think we need to be that negative. Though pandas are in danger of extinction, we are trying to protect them. And the results have been satisfactory so far. I believe we can also conquer racism only if we find a good way.


I find the first picture to be extremely entertaining. The two pandas are just relaxing in the forest with no cares whatsoever. The last thing on their minds are to judge, hurt, or isolate one another. Whereas we as humans, judge, isolate, and sometimes even hurt each other merely because we look different or are from different places. It’s pointless because all it does Is hurt people and divide us as humans. I wish everyone could take a look at this picture, laugh at it, and then take it to heart. Regarding the second picture, it is a shame to know that such a beautiful and awesome animal is on the brink of extinction. Hopefully there will be a way to fix this and save them.


The first picture shows two pandas laying on a branch talking about how stupid racism is. This picture attacks racism in a curious ways. Primarily it says “Dude, racism is stupid” but it also says it in a comical way so that it doesn’t seem as threatening because it’s coming from a panda instead of a person. I think that if everyone against racism took a more relaxed, or comical approach to fighting racism, it may do more good than being forceful or cruel to racists.


  1. I agree with Xindi, about how the bottom of the picture means to say tat we're all humans and our skin color doesn't change that fact that we share something in common. The pandas, like the picture says, are "black, white, and asian" and I think that this supports the argument that racism shouldn't exist. Using pandas is a good analogy to humans because they are both pandas and they each have different things that may set them apart from each other (they can't be exactly the same, just like humans) but generally, most pandas do like very much alike. Humans should view each other this way, instead of dwelling on the little differences, aka skin color, that sets us apart from one another.

    1. Sorry I have a couple of typos in here...

      to say THAT we're all humans*

      but generally, most pandas do LOOK very much alike**

  2. Although the picture is very attention catching and makes you question if they really just made that remark I found the comments below it more interesting. The commenters seem to disagree on what is important in the world today, one focusing on the extinction of pandas, and the other focusing on the disparity of racism in our world today. The comment about it being sad pandas have stopped reproducing is deemed inappropriate by the next blogger because they are completely disregarding the intentional message sent out by the image and focusing on just the animals themselves. This first viewer could have the same reaction if they were illiterate or if they simple saw the picture with no caption showing they may value nature very much or just have no moral regard for inequality. The second viewer seems to have a stronger sense of morality for racism and inequality calling the human race frigid because of racism. This viewer seems to have understood the intentional message sent out by the clip and is passionate about racial slurs suggesting they could either be a minority themselves or raised in a community that was very aware of racial inequality.

  3. I think this picture is bold and stands out. By using animals as an analogy to represent how they share a lot of "races" just in the color of their coat and the origin in which they’re from was very creative. The creator of this picture must have wanted to make a point and make it last. Creative pictures like this are known to stick and be more influential than someone giving a speech on it or something; it is just like you remember the funny or out there commercials and forget about all the other ones. The use of an endangered species and tying in both that fact and racism is a very creative use of the pandas. I don’t understand the comment on the picture though, with them trying to tie the pandas becoming extinct to racism because racism is a human problem, the “frigid people”, not a species problem. We don’t discriminate against white or black dogs, we discriminate against people.

  4. Pandas are white, black and Asian and people still like them. Nobody will discriminate them or blame them for their race. As everybody knows, race is inborn and people cannot choose their races. And actually, race itself does not mean anything. Nobody can be sure that which race is superior to others, so nobody should be judged simply by his/her race. There are other things rather than race which make people different, like the culture background and the education background. Furthermore, there is no excuse for any kind of discrimination. People of all identities should get the equal treatment and basic respect. I agree with the word on the bottom of the picture which says that racism is stupid. In fact, I think racism is also harmful, both for the people who are discriminated by others because of their races and the racists. If people can concentrate on the things they have in common and tolerant the differences, they will get more from each other and their lives will be happier.

  5. This picture portrays the Pandas as being loving and non believers in racism, as they all contain different colors in their coats and are from different regions in the world. It uses animals to portray racism as being dumb and pointless, which I agree, but it is hard to compare this to the way humans think. Humans actually have a conscious and can make choices between right and wrong, so although animals don't have racist views, because of the human mind, there will always be people with different views on race or a certain type of person's personality. The pandas aren't racist, but then again they all do look very similar, as for humans every person is very different which causes people to judge and discriminate against one another. The human race has done a good job by treating everyone as equal as possible, but people will always have different views on race, as people are just very different.

  6. I actually like this picture a lot! It is very comical and I feel it creates a chill and funny way to show people that racism can easily be put to the side by just joking about how stupid it actually is. George, I do agree that animals do not have a conscious or make choices between right or wrong, but i do not think that is the message of the picture. The "relaxness" of the pandas really portray that if no one worries about racism that then it will go away forever!

  7. I find the comments that the two people make on the photo to be an interesting topic. They only actually comment on the fact that pandas will be extinct soon. They seem to miss the fact that the picture is addressing the issue of racism in our world. In my opinion the deeper meaning behind the picture is that people in the world should look at pandas as a symbol of why racism should not exist. If pandas were humans they would represent three races that we have created as a society: black, white, and asian. We as humans do not look at animals and place them in categories because of race. If we do not do this to animals then why should we do this to other humans? I think if people took a step back from the world and looked at the bigger picture then they would realize that the idea of race is actually pretty dumb.

  8. I think the picture of the pandas with the captions is very interesting. It simplifies the problem, and sends the message that racism is only an issue of color. It is ridiculous that some people can treat others differently because of the color of their skin. We don't treat animals different based on their color, so why should humans be? It is sad that pandas could be extinct soon. Pandas are great animals and they are a symbol of peace in some countries. They represent how all races should live together in peace and as one. Something needs to be done to stop the extinction of pandas, just as something needs to be done to end racism and discrimination completely.

  9. I found this photo to be interesting because of the opposing thoughts behind it. Even though racism is a serious issue in our society today, this picture puts a funny, relaxed spin on the topic, suggesting that racism is stupid and unnecessary. This is very true, and goes well with our course theme. If everyone could be more like pandas and just be relaxed and carefree about the race/sexuality/etc. of others, the world would be a much happier, peaceful place. I never thought about pandas in this way, but it is interesting to think about their color and origin as their race, as if they are people. If we could look at racism the way we look at the color and origin of the panda, racism would be eliminated altogether. Pandas have black and white fur and are from Asia, representing black people, white people, and Asian people at the same time. Although they have all of these qualities, many people look at pandas as beautiful, peaceful creatures, which they are. If everyone could look around themselves and see the beauty in others regardless of their skin color or origin, the world could be a better place. However, I didn't really understand the comments on this photo because the first comment doesn’t really have anything to do with the meaning of this picture. Even though the photo is dominantly targeting racism, I do agree that it’s very sad that pandas may become extinct. They are such beautiful creatures, and it’s a shame that we can’t find some way to help them survive!

  10. I thought it was interesting that someone would decide to link racism to an animal that is going extinct. Although i doubt the creator of the meme thought about it, it kind of relates the message that those who think racism is stupid are a dying breed. I disagree with that, and feel that it is the opposite case. This meme does raise another interesting point, however. Pandas are animals, and animals are not racist, therefore you can say that racism is not natural. Thats the message that the creator of the meme was more likely to try and get across and i believe that since racism isn't natural, it will eventually die out, which hopefully the pandas do not do as well.

  11. i kind of like this picture because it in a way makes fun of how racist the world really is. If we can all look past our difference and see that we are just human being, then racism would not be a problem. People tend to put way to much emphasis on things people say or do that they believe are racist, and in my opinion its just not really that important. most of the time when people are racist, they arent even doing it on purpose, and we should learn to be more lighthearted about it.

  12. I thought this picture was interesting because 1. it's funny and 2. I like how it talks about multiple races with two chilling/lazy adorable pandas. I love the tilt of the panda is who on the right side saying the saying or agreeing to panda in the left. I really do not understand what the comments people were making on their facebook, especially the first one like his friend pointed out. Now if he made a comment about I don't see what is causing them to become extinct. I also feel that whoever made this probably was active in civil rights movements throughout the world. I think is meant to be funny and another way to make fun how people approach racism and how silly racism is in our society.

  13. This picture is clearly an example of how society should learn how to be. We should learn how to be more "chill" and stop having skin color mean so much. This picture is also very related to humans. As the panda says that it is "white, black, and asian", we also come from many backgrounds. I, for one, come from many cultures. My mom, for instance, was born in Colombia. Even before then, her family comes from spain and has some indigenous ties as well. This is only from my mothers side. My point is, not everybody is 100% of one culture. We all come from many places. As for the pandas, hopefully they won't go instinct as it is a very interesting species. It would be very sad if they didn't exist.

  14. This picture is hilarious, but true. People these days are still very racist when we shouldn’t be. People of mixed races can still be pretty racist, which is the opposite of these chilled, laid back pandas. But no matter how hard we try to eliminate racism, it will never be eliminated. Racism is a trait in which most people learn from their parents or a tragic event involving a person from another race. The only way to eliminate race would be if everyone were the same race, but honestly, if everyone were the same race then people would find another reason to discriminate based upon other physical traits, so it’s basically the same boat. Also, I feel that the way the one commentator who replied to the other one’s sex comment replied in a rude way. The first person was trying to make a serious statement with a humorous twist to it and the other person interpreted it in the wrong way. I do rather enjoy how the first commentator rebuts the other person. I feel this shows that he believes in what he said, and more people should be like this.

  15. This picture just puts into perspective that there are more people in this world who feel that racism is still a problem and it needs o be stopped. Pandas are great way to display that people are all the same whether they realize it or not. All men were created equal despite the color of their skin. As humans we should come together and stop living in the past and unite as a ONE human race. While coming together we should help stop the extinction of the Panda race and encourage growth not only among them but among ourselves.

  16. I find the pictures to be really interesting. Pandas are white, black and they are from Asia. However, panda is just panda. It does not change anything. I agree with Xindi. I think the producer just what to tell us the confliction that no matter where are we from, we are human beings. People who are being racist may separate others and think their cultures and lives are superior to others’. And the comments that people wrote are very interesting too. The third commenter said the important thing is not racism, pandas will be extinct. Pandas are animals and animals cannot be racist. It is interesting that the producer linked animals and humans together and try to tell people that we should focus on something really significant and important instead of being racist and just looking at colors.
